Infrared Crystals

Infrared Crystals

Infrared crystals are materials with excellent transmission properties in the infrared spectrum. They are used in optics, sensors, thermal imaging, and lasers. Made from high-purity materials like KBr, Ge, CaF2, LiF, and BaF2, they offer transparency, durability, and resistance to thermal and mechanical stress. These crystals are essential in industries such as defense, medical diagnostics, and scientific research.

Infrared crystals are materials with excellent transmission properties in the infrared spectrum. They are used in optics, sensors, thermal imaging, and lasers. Made from high-purity materials like KBr, Ge, CaF2, LiF, and BaF2, they offer transparency, durability, and resistance to thermal and mechanical stress. These crystals are essential in industries such as defense, medical diagnostics, and scientific research.


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